I first met my dear friend Ange Lanzalavi when I was invited to prepare the scores for a mandolin workshop he was holding in Pigna, Corsica, in 2010. Ange and I hit it off immediately, and I ended up leading the band through rehearsals as well. When I moved to Corsica later that year, Ange invited me to play in his band - that is such an honor. I eventually recorded an album with him and Jérôme Ciosi, and prepared a book of his compositions. Ange is an amazing musician, and one of the greatest souls I’ve ever met.

In concert with Ange, Corte 2012

The Ange Lanzalavi Trio - Jérôme Ciosi, Ange, Doc, Pigna 2013

TRAD Magazine #149, May/June 2013

The Big Fella - my baritone cittern built by Ian Chisholm - on tour with Ange in Austria, 2012
The Ange Lanzalavi Quartet in Vienna, 2012

The first copies of the book arrive at Casa da Guitarra, Porto 2019

Ange Lanzalavi - a true master