In 2006 I was invited to a cittern weekend in Corte, Corsica, and it was there that I met Henri Agnel, who invited me to play with his company in Marseille, so in 2007 I packed once again and moved to France. I also met my dear friend Damien Delgrossi during that weekend in Corte, and he was instrumental in putting me in touch with the best Corsican musicians - see the Corsica and Ange Lanzalavi galleries for photos from that part of my journey in France and Corsica.

Early on in my French soujourn I met French-Canadian piper, singer and raconteur Robert Amyot MacKinnon. It is to my great regret that I don’t have any pictures of our time together. We worked a lot and became great friends as well. Who knows - maybe some photos besides our work with Góntia in Corsica will surface.

I worked a lot in France, Germany and elsewhere during these years - here are a few of my fondest memories from that time.